
Got Two Big Fish in Iraq

Renaissance_Man4/20/2010 1:05:50 pm PDT

re: #9 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Leftist Activist Cindy Sheehan Attacks Drone Manufacturers

Apparently, using drones, which keeps our troops safer, means the human cost on our side is lower. Since we aren’t suffering as many casualties, its harder for them to get support for their anti-war message.

I am no supporter of Cindy Sheehan, nor do I believe in the Peace at All Costs ethos. However, that article attributes motives that are not in evidence, which is an insidious aspect of activism journalism.

The article strongly suggests that the motive for opposing drone warfare is just as you say - hoping for more US deaths so that the anti-war message will carry more weight. That sounds pretty evil. So evil, in fact, that it made me wonder if that’s what they were actually saying. What made me even more suspicious was that the article didn’t in fact include any statements or references to the people in question, just statements about their supposed beliefs from their opponents.

According to the Hood River Conference itself, their intent is to ‘expose the accelerating arrival of robotic weapons and social control technologies’, because ‘some of the military’s own experts have complained about the high civilian death toll from US drone strikes’.

I don’t know if that’s true. I doubt very much that this conference will have anything intelligent to say. I suspect very strongly that it is more or less what it sounds like - a bunch of unrealistic peaceniks talking about scary Terminatoresque fantasies about evil government robots being used to kill us and control our very lives. In other words, a fantasy not altogether different from what you might find at an average Tea Party. But I very much doubt that they are in fact holding a talk about how much they desperately want more Americans to die, as the article suggests.