
The Rapidly Escalating GOP War on Science

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All12/02/2010 10:11:04 am PST

Some more thoughts that are offtopic but I feel relevant to why I and I suspect a number of us feel about the Republican Party.

I don’t enjoy slamming Republicans either here or in my blog. I get no real joy out of it. In fact, at this point it’s feels closer to a’ rage against the dying of the light’ feeling of despair that keeps me from just throwing my hands up and saying, ‘fuck it’. But how can I not continue to speak out against the people who are determined to remake America into a regressive and fearful state just to enable their own ascension to power?

When the Republicans decide to put the betterment of America first and step beyond their own narrow thoughts of ‘real America’ versus everyone else, then I’ll stop. When the Republicans remember that I’m an American too, that the person on the streets is an American, that the everyone here is a part of this great country. I made a crack earlier that the Republicans only wanted to support the America that was Christian, White, Straight, Male, and Rich. I stand by that remark until the day the Republican party accepts that we are more than that.

Getting ahead in America isn’t a zero sum game. We can all be elevated to a better living. Think of the progress that was made over the last century, where even the worst off had opportunities to become more than what they were. And that even the poorest of us were better off. They had hope that there was more ahead for them. What did that cost the better off? anything? was America weaker when we worked to elevate everyone? I’d say no, I’d say that was when America was striving to be the best it could be. We lost that hope over the last 10 years. The middle class and poor has seen things get worse since 2000, and now? Where is the support from the Republican party for the middle class and poor? Instead we get populist jingos and wedge issues to distract people from the truth. That The Republicans aren’t out for the best interests of America. Just out for the best interests of themselves.

I’m an idealist, I’ll admit that freely. I think America should strive to be the best it can be. The Republicans would have us be… less than that.