
Kentucky Gov. Beshear Wants State Money for Creationist Theme Park

NVAudiophile12/02/2010 11:59:47 am PST

I’ve always found the Noah’s Ark story interesting. I can well imagine a farmer, centuries ago, who lived in a flood plain, deciding to build a boat to salvage some livestock and provisions in the event of a flood. Such a person, living his whole life within a 100 mile radius, without any knowledge as to the size of the earth, might reasonably conclude the entire earth had flooded. Such a story, told and retold, could well be embellished through the ages. What’s ridiculous, however, is combining the story of the flood with our present-day knowledge as to the size of the earth, and seriously believing that all of the land masses were underwater. Exaggeration as to the duration of the flood, and any divine cause, is equally ridiculous.