
Sen. Whitehouse's Must-See Climate Speech: We Ignore the Laws of Nature at Our Very Grave Peril

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/24/2011 2:50:21 pm PDT

re: #29 engineer dog

gop 2011 “global warming is not happening”

gop 2021 “the rise in sea level is entirely due to natural causes”

gop 2031 “we were the ones warning about global warming back in the 2010s, but the democrats censored us”

GOP 2051: We must increase use of lethal force at our borders for the sake of national security. We can barely feed our own, let alone, provide for useless Mexicans.

GOP 2061: Only those white people who pass a loyalty test should be given full food rations.

GOP 2071: Communist Canadians continue to refuse to share crops and water that rightfully belong to America.

GOP 2081: The successful invasion of Canada will provide clean food and water for all loyal Americans.

GOP 2111: (local “elections” only, excerpt of speech) I, Colonel Smith, was blessed by God with the tanks and ammunition to bring this valley order. Griping about low rations, or the rights of soldiers to relieve their natural manly impulses will not be tolerated.