
Utopia: The Wheel

Gus2/10/2012 5:22:48 pm PST

re: #32 (~_^)

For people supposedly fired on Jan. 30 they’re pretty sloppy in updating their profiles.

If you feel like sleuthing I found this from a couple of days ago.

Opinion: Rebels with a cause

During my visit, I met another Jew who is obsessed with the facts, journalist Izzy Lemberg. As a news producer for CNN in Israel, where he just finished a 22-year stint, Lemberg has covered all the major news stories, including more than a hundred terror attacks during the Second Intifada.

“Too many journalists see their work as the pursuit of justice,” he told me when I met him late one night in Tel Aviv. “That should be the work of human rights activists. Journalists should pursue the truth.”

Lemberg’s pursuit of truth is now finding expression in a documentary he is producing called “Blame It on the Jews.”

He thinks one of the biggest stories of the past decade has been the growth of global anti-Semitism, often camouflaged behind criticism of Israel. He says his film will focus a calm, journalistic eye on this phenomenon, with in-depth interviews and rare footage to show the extent of the problem.

To help attract financing for the film, he has uploaded a preview of the film on YouTube.

Lemberg is careful not to disparage his former employer, but it’s clear from talking to him that he feels the media in general has not adequately covered the anti-Semitic phenomenon his film will address.

“You can’t be balanced about anti-Semitism,” he told me. “There’s no other side to that story.”

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner and Izzy Lemberg are two Israeli rebels fighting for a cause; one for justice, the other for truth. The line between the two is not as clear as Lemberg suggests. When the truth is well told, in a documentary or otherwise, it can only lead to justice.