
Sikh Temple Shooter Was Member of White Supremacist Band - Update: Police Looking for 'Person of Interest'

Ming8/06/2012 10:15:00 am PDT

re: #10 Charles Johnson

And he may not have been acting alone…

I wonder how the right wing would feel about using torture to help catch other people who might be involved, and to get more info about the shooting. After all, the right wing doesn’t seem to have any hesitation about sending other “terror suspects” or “persons of interest” to Guantanamo Bay, and to other places, for physical torture.

So why not have the government pick up a few members of this white supremacist group, and use “enhanced interrogation techniques” to get some good intel?

Can you imagine the outrage among the right wing if the government, especially President Obama’s government, actually did this? (Of course, it’s hard to imagine this happening at all.) It couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that these “persons of interest” are white, could it?