
Observations on Evasiveness, Featuring Glenn Greenwald

GunstarGreen3/17/2014 7:03:19 am PDT

re: #310 Dark_Falcon

Star, yes; Crescent, no. The crescent would be seen by most as a sign of victory for Radical Islam and that would never do.

With all due respect, fuck them.

“Radical Islam” already had its victory, and continues to have it every single day. Because idiot Americans use phrases like “Radical Islam” to describe anything even vaguely Islamic. Because they’ll throw up a religious symbol at a macabre farce of a memorial, and then whine when a different religious symbol — and just as valid of one, as there were undoubtedly Islamic responders and victims involved alongside Christian ones — is suggested as well.

This is all aside from the fact that a “9-11 museum” is a preposterous joke in the first place. People are murdered every day of the week in this country, and nobody gives a shit because it wasn’t a televised event. In any given year, something on the order of three times as many people (on a GOOD year) are murdered in this country as died in that event, and there’s no big memorials. No big fuss. Just a statistic.