
Video: Reinstated Bishop a Holocaust Denier - Update: Also a Truther

LeePro1/25/2009 1:05:51 pm PST

re: #139 Pvt Bin Jammin

This guy is way beyond disgusting. What on earth is the Pope thinking?

I would not feel comfortable if I were a Jew anywhere in Europe these days.

As a non-practicing Catholic, I agree with you. This both baffles and disgusts me… I don’t know why this is happening.

FYI (everybody), this version of the story includes a bit more detail, and Lizard wahabicorridor’s link above is a pitiful example of “explanation” for the purpose of lightening the impact of an extremely bad decision!

I can understand and accept “forgiving” the original transgression, but to do this is to perform a huge slap in the face of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II — who did more to unite Catholics and Jews all over the world, by the way — and has set us back years! ! !