
Biden To Sell Bankruptcy to the Coal Industry

BLBfootballs2/27/2009 10:40:45 am PST

re: #329 Iron Fist

My Uncle is a nuclear engineer. He works down at Savannah River now, and has worked at other facilities during his carreer. He’s said that Chernobyl simply couldn’t happen with our reactors, and I believe him. I look at how successful nuclear power has been in the Navy. If nothing else, we could build the same kind of plant they use on a sub on land and use it to generate power.

Frankly, if someone blathers on about Gorebul Warming, and they aren’t pro-nuke I have a hard time taking them seriously. If Obama is serious abou getting rid of coal (and he appears to be) then we have to bring nuclear power on line to make up for it.

Or, I guess, we can go back to burning whale oil in lamps to light our homes. Of course, the environazis don’t like whaling, either…

That is absolutely correct. The Chernobyl reactor design was an antiquated, uniquely Soviet monstrosity featuring a graphite-moderated core and no containment vessel! It was an atrocious design and the meltdown was prompted by its design and horribly dysfunctional operators. In-service American, French and Western nuclear reactors, thorium reactors, and the upcoming PBMR and HTR reactors have none of these issues.