
Crack in the Far Right World

Nimed8/21/2010 8:38:23 pm PDT

re: #286 marjoriemoon

There’s a video of Ayn Rand on youtube in one of her last (or last) interviews with Phil Donahue. She’s 75 or 80 already. It’s in 5 parts.

Anyway, she believed the government should pay for police and military defense. I think one other thing, but I can’t recall it.

Good thing she thought of the police because there would be a whole lotta rioting going on.

And courts. Ayn Rand was a minarchist. She also believed that there is no such thing as a natural monopoly, and that anti-trust laws should be abolished.

There are even crazier libertarians out there. Anarcho-capitalists believe that the army, police and courts ought to be private, rather then run by a “State monopoly”.