
Matthews to Bachmann: 'Are You Hypnotized?'

HRH Stanley Sea11/03/2010 4:08:17 pm PDT

Fucking prepare yourself. As always with Sister Sarah’s verbatim comments, it’s best to read them out loud.

ET’s Mary Hart asks Sarah, “How does it feel to be one of the most polarizing figures in America today?”

“That is a bit perplexing because I think, what is polarizing or extreme about believing, politically speaking, in the United States Constitution? And our Declaration of Independence, and all those things that it stands for? And what our founding mothers and fathers in this country meant for America to keep building upon? Those are the things that I believe in. What’s extreme about that? How is that polarizing? So I’m still perplexed by that, that characterization of the polarization.”

Entertainment Tonight - the perfect stepping stone for the GOP’s next nominee (h/t to albusteve)