
Video: A Bridge Too Far

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/04/2011 9:07:50 am PDT

re: #336 Lidane

OK. Now I’m stuck. What the hell do I do with myself the rest of the week? I know I’m not going to get hired here. I hope to be at another company at some point, and driving out here daily is an expensive drain that I definitely can’t afford anymore, now that a paycheck isn’t going to happen. At the same time, I don’t want to just sever all ties and leave them in a lurch when they’re offering to help me find a job.

I guess I could do stuff from home and over Skype for the next few days then come in on Friday, or something. I don’t know.

You do stuff from home to help in little ways, because that is being a mensch, but you remember that you are not getting paid by them. Few people can afford to work for free and they know this.