
Candy Crowley Interjects: Obama 'Did in Fact' Say Libya Attack Was Terrorism

lostlakehiker10/17/2012 9:04:32 am PDT
Good for the moderator! I posted the video the day after the attack, yet simple minded people are still droning on about this because they are seemingly incapable of considering that the attack in Benghazi was two things at once.

Some of the people were there in reaction to the movie, and some of the people were there for a terror attack. Both can be true, they are not mutually exclusive.

But in reality, none of the people were there in reaction to the movie, and all of them were there for the assault. There was no demonstration in front of the Benghazi consulate. Just, suddenly, men flitting through the darkness from cover to cover, going over the walls, classic fire and movement stuff.

And all this was information available to the administration pretty much in real time. Definitely available within a day. Susan Rice, though, was sent out to several talk shows the following Sunday to say otherwise. Adamantly, repeatedly, and falsely. Whether she knew that she’d been sent out to tell lies, we cannot know for sure.