
Chuck C. Johnson Is Confused by the Concept of Traveling Nurses

lawhawk10/17/2014 8:41:55 am PDT

The way the right wing has responded to the whole Ebola epidemic overseas, and the single solitary case (and two subsequent contact cases), you’d think that they were being tortured by Vogon poetry readings.

We need a Ebola czar they shout. They get one, but complain about who the choice was.

They call for the CDC chief to be fired (or resign) even though he hasn’t actually done anything wrong and we’re still talking about a single case (and two subsequent cases appear to be the fault of the hospital in Texas ignoring common sense and not making Ebola prep training mandatory for those who might come in contact with a patient exhibiting the symptoms).

We need to have a flight ban with West Africa (a region, not a country, but I digress). That’s even though health experts, including those trotted out by the right wing (including NRO) note that this is more for psychological purposes than any justifiable medical and health policy reason. They indicate that the harm of a flight ban would be greater than any veneer of safety it provides.

Then, the right wing goes and ignores Gov. Perry, who’s been MIA over the past week as questions should be raised of the way his state health agency has handled itself - the direct agency responsible for health oversight in the state. Curious how that works.