
House Intel Panel Benghazi Report: No There There

ObserverArt11/22/2014 2:45:57 pm PST

Just a drive by reminder while waiting for some stripper to activate on my staircase for continuing stripping. One of these weeks I am going to get this damn staircase stripped!

Anyway, regarding the cartoon from the Indianapolis Star cartoonist. Always remember that for a long time in the early part of this century the KKK was headquartered in Indianapolis. The KKK called themselves ‘Christians’ too.

I have some friends that live in Indy. One calls the state the south’s middle finger to the north. Look at the map for things like red states and voting breakdown. What long narrow state is many times red between Illinois and Ohio? That would be that finger.

And yes. Ohio has it’s issues too. But we have never been the home of the Klan. And, I am sure the Klan hates this state due to three gentlemen named Grant, Sherman and Sheridan. Especially that bastard Sherman.
