
A Gorgeous Cover of a Tom Waits Classic: "Take It With Me" - Rachael Price With Chris Thile [VIDEO]

lawhawk5/29/2019 1:40:01 pm PDT

re: #333 Archangelus

And into this breach, Trump sent Jared and his band of “negotiators” to work out a peace plan.

Who is Trump thinking he’s negotiating with? Israel doesn’t have a functioning government and if he thinks this is a lifeline to Bibi, he is even dumber than the bag of hammers son in law that he entrusts to do all of Trump’s heavy lifting.

This is a clusterfuck of epic proportions, and it’s bad even for Israeli politics, which has had its share of coalition governments and unity governments and shenanigans to avoid new elections. Bibi’s run out the string and the inability to form a new government means new elections will occur. Will it change the outcome/composition of the Knesset? I don’t have a clue. I don’t think anyone does. It just gives Bibi more time.

Prosecutors in Israel should stop hesitating to act (sound familiar?). Bibi’s precarious criminal jeopardy is putting Israeli security at risk even as Bibi frames his govt as the only thing protecting Israel from its enemies.