
And Now, Meerkats Practice Security

spirochete1/16/2009 8:55:40 pm PST

Anybody see Obama’s “major speech” on economics today?

Based out of a two year old factory in Ohio that produces steel products, he toured then spoke to the crowd. I still do not find him eloquent or inspiring. I never really have. He sounds like a numbers guy. He covered many statistics, said fewer um’s than usual, and seems not to have a feel for when to pause so the crowd can cheer and clap. Funny enough, after he was done, he turned around to shake hands with the crowd. There was one female cheesing it up and smiling, but I swear, all the other hands he shook, the people were dismissive, looking away and definitely not smiling.

It was humorous listening to him laud the two (count ‘em, 2) jobs the factory hired “just last week”. This guy is not eloquent, I don’t know where that comes from.