
The Creationist in Charge of Texas Education

cronus3/09/2009 5:12:50 pm PDT

re: #322 realwest

I just posted #’s 309 and 313 to indicate that the SCOTUS has held and indicated in it’s holding that the teaching of creationism in Science classes is unconstitutional.
Thus it would seem to me that state legislatures in passing these patently unconstitutional laws are simply pandering to what they perceive as their voter base (y’all listening Bobby Jindal? Rick Perry?) and have no real basis or hope of becoming enforceable law in any of the states of the United States.

Jindal and Perry know this. They believe they gain political points with theocrats by attacking the Establishment Cause. In fact, they’d probably like nothing better than to provide a test case only to have their ass handed to them in federal court. So it goes with martyrs.