
The Kindle Controversy in Detail

formercorpsman7/21/2009 8:24:38 pm PDT

re: #303 American Sabra

Of course. In fact I am all for looking at your hip xray remotely in order to decide whether you would need a TFN nail, compression screw & side plate, or bipolar replacement in the event you might require some technology as well. (beats the hell out of having to rely on someone who does not know important differences, thus making a 40 mile trek into the E.R. to look at physical copies) In fact, I was in defense of technology in that post.

My point being, is technology can wind up in the hands of someone looking to to good, or other entities who might not have your best interests at heart. (No pun intended)

For me, I accept the electric company knowing my usage. I need to pay them. Allowing certain liberties beyond that I become suspect. Control my thermostat, ah, no.

I know, I sound like a nut. I’m fine with that. Honestly.