
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

researchok11/09/2010 6:27:14 pm PST

re: #316 LudwigVanQuixote

How is that? I promise it is not an act of blind faith for me or that I am dancing with serpents to prove anything. I just simply realize that this is the damn web. In as much as I can inform people about AGW, it matters. In as much as I have web friends whom I like chatting with, it matters. In as much as I think this is my life (please) - no it doesn’t matter.

I am not “Ludwig” in real life. I have a name and a woman and a career. Here I do my best to get information out there and be a nice guy, but really, it is not life and death for me if I am popular. I want to be popular of course, but I would rather talk about what I think is true.

Of course, in real life I tend to speak my mind also.

I was referring to your Israel remarks.

Non ideological, reality based, comes with a price.