
Just When You Thought Sharron Angle Was Gone (or, The Return of the Loon)

341 6:12:15 pm PST

re: #337 engineer dog

some Amazing Facts from our friends in sharon angle’s “patriot” caucus, from

Progressive Thought Defined

I have been asked to define what a progressive is in the past and struggled to get the point across without having an example that someone can relate to. I think this is a great case study to get the point across. Progressives take the theory of evolution and apply it to morality and the society. They believe that society evolves and that laws that were made in the past are not necessarily needed in the same form today. Laws are not static. They are dynamic and subject to change with the circumstances.

According to the logic that we should stick with the laws we always had and not change anything, we would not have laws regulating automobile traffic, because there was no need for them in the past (there being no cars).

That person is making no sense.