
Daredevil Volume 1, Issue 12: "Sightless, in a Savage Land!"

Higgs Boson's Mate4/12/2015 9:11:10 am PDT

re: #337 Dark_Falcon

I’m not severely concerned about those. They pose a danger, yes, but we’ve got AEGIS and the SM-3 ABM. I feel confident that the USN can handle the threat posed by the Khalij Fars .

Again, nuts. Iran has been manufacturing anti-ship missiles for years. Our high-tech defenses can be swamped by salvos of relatively cheap weapons. Iran has had plenty of time to study our war making and our capabilities. Its military planners are not stupid and they are not going to fight us the way we want them to. If your vessel is deaf, dumb and blind after a saturation strike by anti-ship missiles a boarding party of Iranian commandos will ruin your whole day.
In the end, no, Iran can’t win. All it can do is throw a fuck into us that will take years to get over. So far, we’ve found out that overthrowing stable but odious ME governments just opens the doors to the real assholes. Do we really want to find out what happens when we overthrow the government of Iran?