
At Oklahoma Rally, Donald Trump Walks Over and Menaces a Protester

ObserverArt2/27/2016 8:23:51 am PST

You have to give it to bully Trump for how he handled the GOP from the get-go. When he first came out the GOP thought it would be self destruction that would take Trump out. However Trump got attention and he started to show up in the polls but not strong numbers right off and the GOP held off still thinking he will fizzle out once people get sick of the act. People didn’t get sick of the act, they started to come out to the early rallies he held and his numbers started to go.

Right about this time the GOP should have seen that they needed to nuke Trump because he was catching on. But they didn’t. Some of the GOP powers must have thought that they could ride Trump a bit and use some of the attention to attract new voters and when Trump went down, they’d have more new voters to use against the Dems. Sound familiar? It was how they tried to use and control the Tea Party folks. Use and ignore.

Then Trump pulled what I think will be seen as his master stroke. He somehow managed to bully the party by saying that if he wasn’t treated properly with all the respect he deserved he would go independent and leave the GOP race. And they stupidly came out and assured him they would do just that. They fed the bully and he had them bent over to where he could call the shots and do anything he wanted.

They probably should have called his bluff right then and then opened up with full canons blazing and blow him up with the help of all their media like Fox and Rush. Trump may have gone independent, but with everyone tearing him down he might have started to not get all the TV and other media coverage that really fueled him on. No attention by the media and no party support and he may have gone away because he thrives on the attention and bullying. It also would cost him his own money to stay independent and buy the attention he would need.

Outside the party he wouldn’t have had the GOP debates that he turned into must see TV and used to further strengthen him in the party. Between the media covering more and more and the GOP’s own candidates slipping in the polls, Trump used the GOP to get bigger and bigger and made his threat to leave the GOP stronger and stronger.

Right then the GOP was sunk. The minute they allowed him to control them with his “independent run” bluff and calling for fairness all the damn time to remind them of the bluff it was over.

The GOP has no one else to blame.

And if the GOP can’t control someone like Trump in a political run they actually have control over, why would anyone think the GOP could control any damn thing in America and all over the world?

I hope the Democrats make a point of this. If Trump is your candidate and you publicly say you don’t want him as your candidate the real message is your party is out of control and is fucked beyond all belief.