
New From Seth Meyers: The Stephen Miller/Rudy Giuliani Experience [VIDEO]

Sir John Barron12/18/2018 10:26:46 am PST

re: #339 William Lewis

Looking for some other info, I saw this as the .sig on a wingnut’s post:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”.~John Adams 1798

Now, I’ve considered looking it up to see if it’s even a true quote but lets suppose it is because that’s a perfect explanation for Trumpism: that the system was designed presuming only decent people would run it and that’s why the GOP has been so successful is ratfucking the nation since 1980.

I thought it was the opposite: that mankind is by nature self-seeking and driven by self-interest, thus requiring checks and balances, etc. If we were all virtuous no government would be needed….