
Rand Paul Backing Out of 'Meet The Press'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/21/2010 3:51:53 pm PDT

re: #215 SanFranciscoZionist

I recall Molly Ivins talking about a family from Texas that got a message from God to all strip naked, get into a car, and drive to Floydada. Molly mentioned this in the context of her concern about what she referred to as ‘Lord impersonators’, ie, whoever it is who keep giving people directions while claimin’ to be the Lord that you just know the Lord would never have given.

The people impersonatin’ the Lord upset Molly, and she wanted the Texas lege to look into making Lord impersonation illegal.

I do hope this man gets back on his meds.

I remember it well but I was surprised to find that it was so long (1993):
Naked for Christ Cops Chase Car, Find 20 Nude People

Police in Vinton, La, were surprised when a driver wearing only a towel got
out of a car they stopped, then got back in and sped off. They were dumbfounded
when the car hit a tree and disgorged 20 people wearing nothing at all.

“The Lord told them to get rid of all their belongings and go to Louisiana.
So they got rid of all their clothes and pocketbooks and wallets and
identification and the license plate off their car and came to our gorgeous
state,” Vinton Police Chief Dennis Drouillard said.

All 20 were from Floydada, Texas, in the Texas Panhandle, about 550 miles from
the southwest Louisiana town of Vinton. Drouillard said he believed they all
were related.

Driver Sammy Rodriguez and his brother, Danny, both said they were Pentecostal
preachers, Drouillard said.

Floydada Police Chief James Hale said he had been looking for the Rodriguez
family since Tuesday night, when relatives reported them missing. “They made
statements like the devil was after them and Floydada was going to be destroyed
if they stayed here,” Hale said.

The family left in 5 or 6 cars, abandoning 1 in Lubbock and a 2d in San
Angelo. Police found a 3d in Galveston, along with the family’s clothes,
pocketbooks, wallets and other belongings.

The chase in Vinton began after a campground owner called police. A Calcasieu
Parish deputy stopped their car, and a man wearing only a towel got out.

“When the officer went to ask what was going on, he jumped back in and took
off,” Drouillard said. They sped down Vinton’s main street until the car hit a
tree at the baseball park at the end of town.

Fifteen adults, as old as age 63, and 5 children, piled out of the 1990
Pontiac Grand Am.

“And they were completely nude. All 20 of them. Didn’t have a stitch of
clothes on. I mean, no socks, no underwear, no nothin’. Five of them [the
children] were in the trunk,” Drouillard said.

The car was totaled, but the injuries all were minor, Drouillard said.

Rodriguez was booked with reckless driving, flight from an officer, property
damage and several minor traffic violations.