
Ben Folds/Nick Hornby: From Above

The Spite House12/08/2010 9:25:54 am PST

Okay these people just don’t give a shit at all.

Two Major Conservative Obstacles Emerge To Tax Cut Compromise

Two key obstacles emerged Tuesday night to the passage of President Obama’s tax cut compromise with the GOP. This time they come from the right: The influential anti-tax group Club for Growth and conservative kingmaker Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) both came out in opposition to the agreement, threatening the breadth of Republican support for the plan.

“This is bad policy, bad politics, and a bad deal for the American people,” said Club President Chris Chocola in a statement. “The plan would resurrect the Death Tax, grow government, blow a hole in the deficit with unpaid-for spending, and do so without providing the permanent relief and security our economy needs to finally start hiring and growing again.”