
Kerry Faces the House of Representatives

EPR-radar9/04/2013 2:26:56 pm PDT

re: #326 freetoken

One thing to keep in mind, is that a great number of colonial Americans and nineteenth century Americans were hyper-religious. It’s a part of our history about which the secular schools have for the most part tip-toed around the edges.

The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.

I’m well aware of the unfortunate puritan legacy in the US. However, there remains a big difference between being religious, or even hyper religious, and supporting the lying agenda of teaching creationism/ID as science in schools .

I honestly have no beef with the young earth creationist that simply asserts that God created everything 6000 years ago and made it look much older. Among other things, that is a logically unassailable position.

I also have no beef with teaching this in Sunday school or in church services.

The problems start when lies are systematically deployed in support of the false proposition that empirical evidence (i.e., science) leads to creationist/ID conclusions.