
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/26/2009 8:03:06 pm PST

re: #335 Throbert McGee

From their point of view, the Torah and Tanakh (and thus Judaism itself) were revealed by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost — that is, the triune God of Christianity, who has always existed. It is, in other words, their book as much as it is yours. In fact, the Torah is more “theirs,” since they correctly understand that the Torah was revealed as a mere precursor to the NT, and Jews fail to grasp this.

/don’t shoot the messenger; it’s not MY belief

No shooting I promise! I don’t doubt that they believe this. I was more or less making an academic point which is that Torah has some very difficult to understand passages, and that there is an entire 3000 year old Oral Tradition to come and explain the language.

These people do not have that Oral Tradition and they do not believe in it. So, they are honestly making a lot of stuff up as to what the Hebrew “really” means.

An example: The words for milk and fat are separated by a vowel. Torah Hebrew has no vowels. So if you come across a phrase like do not cook a kid in its mother’s milk, it could just as easily have been fat, with no context in the text to tell the difference. There would have been entirely different laws of kashrut if taken the other way. However, the oral tradition makes the meaning plain.

This is what bothers me. I do not mind that anyone believes in their own religion. I mind that sometimes they claim to know what mine says without actually looking into it. In this case, her speaker’s interpretation of Yom is way off.