
Video: Chris Matthews Interviews Leader of 'Oath Keepers'

Gus10/21/2009 3:19:03 pm PDT

More stuff at the Oath Keepers blog:

Oathkeepers said…

The response to Oath Keepers has been absolutely amazing, and we are having a tough time keeping up with it all, with a flood of emails as well as these comments.

But, we will do our best.

In answer to this:

Anonymous said…
“Were you around in WWII would you have refused to round up American citizens who were Japanese?”

Yes. That was unconstitional and a gross violation of the rights of citizens. As we said in #3 above. Why would it matter what race they are? The internment of Japanese American citizens is now condemned by most (except for some apologists, such as Michelle Malkin), but usually the focus is on the racist aspect, and not enough attention is paid to the fact that US citizens were treated as if they were the citizens of a foreign enemy nation. That, to us, is the broader constitutional violation. NO US citizen can ever be stripped of the protections of the Bill of Rights and treated as if they are a foreign enemy - at least not under the original intent of the Founders.