
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Dark_Falcon1/05/2010 8:06:53 pm PST

re: #330 avanti

Dark, that why you have my respect. Your opinion was challenged, you decide to do some research instead of just lashing back at your critics.
It matters not how you feel with more home work, I’ll respect a well researched opinion even if in the end we still disagree.

Thank you for that.

On another note, the fighting in the Solomons had another effect of considerable import to avanti. The IJN’s successful torpedo tactics proved almost impossible to counter with the slow-firing 8-inch guns that USN heavy cruisers mounted. This created critical demand for a faster firing 8-inch gun, which was finally put into service in the Des Moines-class, of which the Newport News was a member.