
Overnight Open Thread

What, me worry?4/25/2011 9:30:01 am PDT

Since I opened my big mouth upthread to you, Ludwig, I’ll make another comment.

I don’t disagree with you on the fact that Israel is our homeland and we’re entitled to live on it and defend it. Most Jews are, indeed, offended over the Dome of the Rock. I am offended by the Dome. We only have one real holy place and that’s it. Our land was conquered by Muslims about 1500 years ago and they built the mosque on the site of the destroyed temple. It’s been a thumb in our eye a long time.

In fact, anyone’s who has read me knows where I stand. I’ve basically been accused of racism for lumping the Palestinians together as a terror group. Ok, we don’t have to agree on that either.

At any rate, Jews and Muslims can’t discuss this civilly. I’m sorry, it can’t happen. Although what I said above about the Dome, I’m sure Curious Lurker does not agree, but I don’t think I insulted her. Talking about wiping out the Arabs, dropping napalm on them… not the same thing. Not possible. Not good for discussion and only good for making you feel a bit better at blowing off some steam.

There’s ways to couch things here on LGF (read “in mixed company”) that may be different from what you say in private. I think we should try to cultivate that. Doesn’t mean you have to change your viewpoint, just your expression.

I still go back to Jews and Muslims can’t discuss this civilly and maybe we shouldn’t even bother. Maybe we should find like kind in movie, books, games and other stuff and let it be that.