
Outrage After Fox News Interview With 'Zealot' Author

Kragar7/29/2013 2:39:46 pm PDT

Nope, same universe still.

Obama’s “real mother” is a domestic terrorist

On the lam since 1985, F.B.I. Most Wanted Fugitive Domestic Terrorist “Elizabeth Ann Duke” is the living, biological mother of United States President “Barack Hussein Obama II”. “Elizabeth Duke” is one of her multiple known identities.

In early October 2012, Private Investigator Neil Sankey identified F.B.I. Most Wanted Fugitive Domestic Terrorist “Elizabeth Duke” as likely the same person as the woman identified at Terrible Truth as Jo Ann Newman the actual - and living - mother of the man who fraudulently presents as “Barack Hussein Obama II”.

Terrible Truth Investigative Report II reflects ten months of dedicated research into Ms. Duke and her interconnections with Jo Ann Newman and “Stanley Ann Dunham”, the synthetic mother presented by “Obama” to occlude his mother’s actual identity, political posturing, and criminal history.