
Overnight Open Thread

foxtrotter3/23/2009 2:14:48 am PDT

re: #324 sanfranciscozionist

What age is the child in question?

Well, she’s only 6, but I like to plan ahead. We’ve already covered the basics in ancient history up to the fall of Rome and I’m skipping ahead to American history for a bit because we plan on going to Jamestown/Williamsburg/Gettysburg this summer and I would like her to have at least some knowledge of American history before we go so that she has some idea what’s going on.

After this summer I will jump back to medieval times and hope that I haven’t messed things up too badly. She’s a smart kid though and I think she’ll be okay, but I know I’ve always had a hard time keeping historical events in chronological order so, well, we’ll see.

I was telling her about Ponce de Leon today though, and her eyes glazed over a bit. Perhaps I’m pushing things…

I’m sure Julia Roberts wouldn’t push things. I’ll have to consult her when she comes for filming.