
Let's Be Honest with the Kids

Salamantis3/29/2009 8:54:28 pm PDT

I find it interesting that some folks are attacking Hitch for perceived antisemitism when the article under discussion isn’t even remotely about Judaism. It smacks to me a bit of a circuitous attempt to ad hominem discredit the man, and by extension, his opinions in the article, while not directly addressing the article itself. I do note that some who are pursuing this course are not big fans of Charles’ stance on the evolution vs. creationism in public schools issue, but decline to publicly and directly criticize it on this blog, perhaps because they realize that their differences are emotional, and they lack intellectual justification for them.

It reminds me of the folks who were trying to insist that Darwin’s work on evolution was worthless because he was a racist, or an enabler of nazism, or some other such irrelevant and ungermane dreck. Whether or not the contentions were true (nd in Darwin’s case they were not), they had absolutely nothing to do with his evolutionary theory, just as accusations of Hitchensian antisemitism, whether true or not, have nothing whatsoever to do with the soundness or validity of the article in question.

If any here have an issue with the article, at last have the cojones to take issue with it directly, rather than using underhanded and passive-agressive means.