
Obama Set to Announce Afghanistan Drawdown

lostlakehiker6/21/2011 5:28:46 am PDT

re: #69 Slumbering Behemoth

Sounds a bit presumptive. Do we have an IQ count or something here?
/mine’s 167 :P

Well, if we put Obama at the 75th percentile among presidents (or does anyone want to insist that he’s another Lincoln or Jefferson?), he’d come in at about 120, 130, somewhere in there. That would put him well above average among “lizards”, but only by about 1 standard deviation. Some 10 per cent of us, give or take, figure to be “smarter”, in the technical sense of IQ score, and better at chess or wordplay or whatever.

But when it comes to political instincts, well, he’s president and I doubt we have a state governor amongst our ranks.