
Fox's Bergdahl Jihadi Story: "Secret Docs Based on a Purported Eyewitness" Supplied by a Shady Right Wing Group

Birth Control Works6/06/2014 6:46:43 am PDT

So, I finally got around to watching the newest Star Trek from the alternative universe. My son asked me what I thought of it and I told him that Kahn isn’t supposed to be a nearly albino white guy.

He told me I am racist.

So, I guess Kahn is Caan (as in James) in this alternate universe. The Orbit White girl is the new Carol Marcus who is not divorced from Jim Kirk. Tribbles have already invaded the Enterprise and Kirk dies of radiation poisoning and isn’t revived by Marcus’s Genesis Project. Kingons were sexier in the original universe.

The New Spock being able to contact the Real Spock is just cheating.

I decided not to talk with my son about any of this.

I am old.


I mean Benjamin Cumberbatch instead of Richardo Montalban?

Really? I’m supposed to be able to suspend disbelief?