
Sunday Jam: Charlie Hunter, "Who Put You Behind the Wheel"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/21/2016 8:19:10 am PST

Honestly, I’d like Bernie to stare in the eyes of gay couples who had their legal marriage licenses denied by Kim Davis to “stop” engaging in identity politics and support the working class. I’d like Bernie to tell the many middle class African-Americans who get harassed by police the same. Or the transgendered people being scapeegoated by people like McGrory. Maybe Bernie should tell the working class to stop caring about things like racial minorities, sexual identity, and those sort of things. I’m sorry but this is exactly why I don’t respect Bernie Sanders. He’s got his heart in the right place on some issues but on others, he’s as clueless as many Republicans are and in a way it’s worse since he should know better as someone who ran for the Dem nomination.