
Overnight Wingnut Thread

Walter L. Newton3/24/2011 8:57:26 am PDT

re: #341 HappyWarrior

I can’t imagine. When I was a kid, I took speech therapy sessions and the therapist would record my voice so we could see where I was struggling with my sounds and I hated hearing myself talk. Hell, I still do. And yeah I bet it’s weird having people you don’t even know come up to you. That would weird me out big time. I guess that’s why the appeal of money in acting may be good but if I ever worked in the entertaiment indstury, I’d want something either behind the scenes or low profile. My DAd’s always said he’d want to be a character actor rather than a leading man if he acted.

Well… don’t come to Colorado if you want to make any money in movies or TV production… this state has ruined it’s film industry. Oh, we still get a lot of commercials and industrial film work, but features and made for TV projects have dried up since 2000.

This state has been unfriendly to movie production. While every other state around us tax exempts production companies, and give breaks when it comes to other fees and tariffs, Colorado won’t do that.

Even recently, we’ve had TWO bills designed to help promote production in Colorado. One was to add a 10 cent seat tax on every movie ticket. That failed. So, they revised the bill, and they wanted to have a suggested DONATION of 10 cents on a ticket, totally voluntary… that failed too.

One of the other problems is we have had LA. “agitators” working in state, trying to squelch these sorts of efforts to attract productions.

We have about 5000 people in this state who would benefit job wise from having productions work here. And it doesn’t cost the state anything NOT to tax productions, since if you do, they won’t come anyway. It’s a win-win if you give them a break.

Go figure?