
Exposed: 'Fear Inc.' - The Anti-Muslim Hate Industry

Aziz Poonawalla8/26/2011 1:50:22 pm PDT

Wow. I had no idea this was the second diary to ever be promoted. I wish I could claim it’s due to my writing genius, but really it’s solely because of 1. Wajahat’s (and his CAP sidekicks) months of hard work, and 2. Charles’ recognition and saavy about what this report portends. I’m just the messenger.

Re #54 LGFFan - look, “religion of peace” is a meaningless phrase. It’s as meaningless as religion of Love, of War, of Spaghetti. A religion is just a collection of actions and beliefs that are believed to have higher meaning; but it’s really an inert object. It’s the actions of its adherents that give it life and meaning, and in any sufficiently large group of adherents, you will have diversity. In diversity, you will have minorities, and extremists.

If you want to be skeptical, that is great. Let’s consider empirical data instead of partisans spouting phrases like “religion of peace”. Here’s hard data: there are 1 billion muslims on the planet. If there were something to the idea that Islam is more dangerous than other religions, I think you’d see a world very different from one in which Arab youth courageously take to the streets in defiance of tyrants.

I apologize for being AWOL from this fantastic thread. It’s time for Friday afternoon prayer and I’m a bit worn out from the fasting. Ramadan is nearly over, and I’m hanging on :) I’ll try to check in tonight.