
The Suspected White House Shooter's Right Wing Ideas

Killgore Trout11/18/2011 6:28:48 am PST

re: #335 000G

What’s your position on waterboarding, torture, and the legality aspect of it, especially when it concerns the transition of power between administrations?

I’m not personally bothered by waterboarding and I’ll leave the legal questions to people more informed than myself. I prefer Obama’s approach to detainess and terrorism suspects over Bush’s. Bush had more verbal bluster and tough talk. Obama’s rhetoric is much softer which allows him to get away with much harsher action.
Morally, I don’t see Obama’s tactics as being superior (not that I’m terribly bothered by it). Assassinations, drone strikes, secret renditions to countries who do torture (real torture, not just waterboarding) and secret military prisons. I’d much rather be a jihadi in the Bush era. Obama’s pretty mean.