
Right Wingers Emit Blizzard of Conspiracy Theories to Excuse Trump's Debate Loss

lawhawk9/29/2016 8:30:58 am PDT

re: #341 FormerDirtDart

LBJ, who was widely known to be a boor and used intimidation as a tactic in Senate and as President, is hardly a hero because of the way he treated the people around him. But he can be lauded for passing the CRA.

The two aren’t equal, and you can distinguish between the two as most people do.

But it’s lovely watching the right wing try to dig through 50 years of history to find someone who did something bad that has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton to try and find hypocrisy in Democrat positions.

As though the GOP doesn’t have hypocrisy, starting with their current nominee Trump. Or his advisers from Bannon on down. Or former advisers like Manafort or Lewandowski.