
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Simply Me5/05/2009 4:20:24 pm PDT

re: #201 Last Mohican

I agree, that’s an exaggeration, used as a rhetorical trick. Although I have certainly seen some Republican politicians oppose education about contraception as a matter of political policy, for fear that it will encourage pre-marital relations, which they deem to be wrong.

Also, “supporting traditional marriage” doesn’t really mean that. It’s a misleading euphemism for “opposing gay marriage.”

I updinged your comment because I appreciated you answering me. But I do take issue with your insisting on controlling the discourse on marriage. I think it is like abortion. Those who support legalized abortion say they are “pro-choice” and those who are against abortion say they are “pro-life”. Each is telling the truth about how they see the issue. You may see the issue as about gay marriage, but people who say they support traditional marriage usually do support traditional marriage. They will be very concerned about children born out of wedlock and very concerned about divorce, etc. For them (including me) it is a constellation of issues around marriage as the structure for child-rearing as the basic building block of society.

re: #210 FurryOldGuyJeans

Which hides the hatred against homosexuals because gays don’t live like the rest of decent society as defined by the far-right SoCon fringe.

The opinion polls show that the support for traditional marriage is not a “far-right fringe” but the majority of people in the USA. And even in California, as demonstrated by the election in November where Prop 8 was passed.