
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel8/14/2009 5:08:26 am PDT

re: #333 Spenser (with an S)

Like the commercials for A-D’s that caution they may induce thoughts of suicide? I always thought that sounded like a bad SNL skit.

Damn, I know some cartoon did a riff on those…Family Guy, maybe?

Anyway— yeah, I know that anti-psychotics will induce psychosis and delusions in the non-psychotic. So taking your meds in that instance will literally make you crazier.

But the usual problem is people taking their medication sporadically, or going off it altogether. Lots of the meds have unpleasant side-effects, and it’s common for bi-polar people especially to feel like they’re ‘not themselves’ on the medication. They miss the upswing of the manic cycle, usually. That’s my understanding.