
Friday Afternoon Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Nice to Meet You'

Killgore Trout3/26/2010 5:38:17 pm PDT

Dem Rep. Snyder Threatened With Assassination

Add Rep. Vic Snyder (D-AR) to the growing list of lawmakers saying they’ve received death threats in the wake of health care reform becoming law.

The Associated Press reports that Snyder was told about a letter by the Capitol Police on Tuesday saying he’s a target for assassination. The police intercepted the letter.

Snyder read from a copy of the original saying: “It is apparent that it will take a few assassinations to stop Obamacare. Militia central has selected you for assassination. If we cannot stalk and find you in Washington, D.C., we will get you in Little Rock.”

/Of course this is one of those non-violent right wing assassination threats which we all know are harmless and patriotic but don’t represent all Republicans who have very sensitive feelings which must not be hurt.