
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Bagua5/20/2010 11:12:19 pm PDT

re: #325 freetoken

So, what are you going to tell a suicide bomber - “don’t do it or we’ll kill you” - ?

Or how about the 19 that destroyed the twin towers. Do you believe that they thought they had a chance of escaping alive?

Or, if you are trying to say that we can scare an entire culture into not producing individuals to do such suicidal acts, what do you say about the parents who have so willingly raised their children to become jihadists? Are you going to try and convince them - “don’t raise your children that way, it’s dangerous!”

You are mistaken. The terrorists are not suicidal nor do the majority of them act alone. They are the product of networks and a variety of social support and reinforcement. They are homicidal, and willing to give their lives to help their cause. If they knew the consequences of their acts would bring harm for their cause, they may be deterred.