
Video: A Bridge Too Far

Vicious Babushka10/04/2011 9:14:23 am PDT

re: #332 LudwigVanQuixote

I can not begin to tell you how hard it is to quit cigarettes. Yes nicotine is fiendishly addictive, yes there is the social aspect of it and the way it becomes habit. All of that conspires. But the thing that non-smokers don’t get is that once you’ve gotten off of them, and gone through the sweats and the irrational desire to eat people and use their femurs as toothpicks as a legitimate response to petty annoyances… the thing that non smokers don’t get is that if and when after a week or a month or even a year after you quit and you do break down and have “just one” it is like sex. It is that intoxicating - and then boom you are right back at it.

I am not even close to defending an addiction I fought with a lot. Of course it is terrible for you. Of course cigarettes are horrible and the smoker knows this. He already feels horrible about it and then tries to only have them a little and on the sly. Nothing will make him feel worse than a woman he loves telling him how bad it is (he knows) that you love him (he knows) tears (he sees) and the frustration that he feels because he was already hiding it.

You are of course correct that he needs to quit, but the standard Jewish guilt approach will only decrease Shalom Bayit.

When my daughter was here she lit up just to get in his face, but she is not a smoker.