
On the RNC Platform Finding NSA Programs Unconstitutional

Rightwingconspirator1/24/2014 5:23:18 pm PST

re: #318 jvic

You’re correct. The insanity & dysfunction on my own side distress me more than the i & d on the opposing side. The latter are easier for me to tune out. (NB: Obviously—-or it should be obvious—-, there are sensible people of good will on the other side as well as on my side. They’re not whom I’m talking about.)

I’ve asked myself why to date I haven’t flounced, left, or gotten banned. The above is a key reason.

Also, my attitude is conservative, but my voting record is significantly independent.

Conservative does not equal GOP fanboy status. Or tea party. Independent thinking trumps party allure. Not always the most popular spot but really not so bad. Means we can speak up for a Jerry Brown as appropriate.