
Tonight in Ferguson, Missouri

William Lewis8/12/2014 7:53:44 am PDT

re: #330 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Or a full-time employee getting food stamps because his employer will not pay anything above minimum wage

Hell, I do make over minimum wage - $0.75 an hour more & full time at that. After child support is taken out and the bills are paid I have $25 at the end of the month for groceries and gasoline. Oh, and $120 a month in food stamps.

For that money I have to have skills as an accountant, a clerk, a janitor & a cook.

But it’s “Communists” we’re supposed to be scared rather than the nation’s continuing decent into the the makings of Europe circa 600 ~ 700 AD. Move in, pick up your hoe & swear your oath of fealty as a serf to your capitalist/corporate lord.

Which is slightly better than the Teahadi desire to recreate the government of Spain circa 1936 to 1975, but in neither case will the masses - proletariat or bourgeoisie - ever be actually free.

Just as today only the rich will have rights and they’ll stop pretending with the fake carrot that if you work hard you’ll get rich like them. In that respect, there will be a certain honesty from the right at long last.