
California Professor Goes Public, Speaks Out About Sexual Assault Allegation Against Brett Kavanaugh: "I Thought He Might Kill Me"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)9/16/2018 5:27:38 pm PDT

Mre: #346 ObserverArt

Franken’s case wasn’t full out assault.

And that is not to excuse Al. Just talking about degree of seriousness.

Tie this behavior to the way he brushed off Fred Guttenberg, the father of the slain Parkland student.

He has a cold heart. And that is bad for a judge.

But it sure explains why another unfeeling asshole picked him to be a Supreme Court Judge.

Is it bad I had forgotten how he was to Guttenberg? You’re right. A lot wrong with this guy.