
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

GunstarGreen7/13/2012 8:45:33 am PDT

re: #341 allegro

Both attributes can be true. It comes down to interpreting the idea/meaning of “responsibility.”

No, what it comes down to is that media outlets are afraid of coming out and saying what everyone with even a single shred of sense knows: The guy who’s name is all over the legal documents, who owns the company, and who collects a hefty salary from that company is responsible for what that company does to bring in the cash that it pays him with.

Because they are scared to death of being hit with that reputation-destroying label of biased. We have to present “both sides” to be “fair and balanced”, even when one of the sides is transparently a giant pile of rancid horseshit.